
[中文歌詞] ​twenty one pilots - Navigating 指引

 #twentyonepilots #中文歌詞 #Clancy ※版權歸 twenty one pilots 所有※ ※All rights belong to twenty one pilots※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/07YtBj3BEBQ .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .Lyrics 歌詞. My, oh my 我的老天 Don't know how long it's been 不知過了多久 My, oh my 我的老天 I can't seem to turn the page 我還沒準備好進到下個階段 This haze around my face 愁雲遮掩著我的面容 Makes me feel all alone 我只感受得到無盡的孤寂 I know you see me standing still 你看不透躊躇不前的我 When our fingers touch, I feel my way back home 而我們指尖相觸的剎那,彷彿為我指引了歸途 Pardon my delay 原諒我的遲來 I'm navigating, I'm navigating my head 我在指引方向,指引我的思緒 Disassociate 情感逐漸解離 I'm navigating, I'm navigating my head 我得解析自我,解析我的大腦 Give me some advice 渴望你的協助 I am wasting all this time 我已經浪費了太多時間 My, oh my 我的老天 Don't know how long it's been 這一切已經持續太久了 My, oh my 我的老天 How things change so rapidly 世間為何瞬息萬變 I find my self-esteem, then turn so cold 我能感覺到情感正從自我緩慢消逝 Pardon my delay 原諒我的遲來 I'm navigating, I'm navigating my head 我在指引

[中文歌詞] Eminem feat. JID - Fuel 燃料

 #Eminem #JID #中文歌詞 #TheDeathofSlimShady  ※版權歸 Eminem 所有※ ※All rights belong to Eminem※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/xVuYQCa9saw .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .Lyrics 歌詞. Look, uh, look 聽好了 All of my niggas gon' ride with it 我的兄弟全都支持著我 In the pocket, the rocket like Kellen Mond 口袋裡的貨烈得像凱倫·蒙德的進攻 Mama told me the power was in the tongue 媽媽曾告訴我言語就是力量 But it probably ain't powerful as a gun 但它或許沒有強得能與槍枝較量 All of you little cowards get devoured, I’m givin’ out flowers to anyone 你們這些膽小鬼都會被我一口吞掉,我會為你們獻花哀悼的 I ain't been out the house in a minute ’cause I ain't wit' it if the money is miniature 我一段時間沒踏出家門了,畢竟這陣子盡是些賺小錢的場合 I been mindin' my business, I’m business-minded 我都在忙著自己的事業,我可是有商業頭腦的人 I been spendin' some time with the minister 我花了點時間和神父告解 'Cause them niggas spinnin' shit and still sinnin' in the City of God and it's sinister 因為有群混蛋雙面偽君子,不停在這上帝之城犯下罪孽,實在是罪不可赦 Try to pray and rеpent in a synagogue or a mosque, a tеm

[中文歌詞] Eminem feat. White Gold - Habits 習慣

 #Eminem #中文歌詞 #TheDeathofSlimshady  ※版權歸 Eminem 所有※ ※All rights belong to Eminem※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/BgqD-Bn5Quk .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .Lyrics 歌詞. Been waitin' a long time for this shit 他媽的等了有夠久 Long time no see 好久不見啊 Thought you got rid of my ass, huh? 以為擺脫我了是嗎? Alright, here's what we're gonna do 好吧,告訴你接下來會發生什麼事 You take this 吃下去 Or I put a bullet between your fucking eyes 不然你的額頭就等著吃子彈 Here 拿去 We'll split it 不然我們一人一半 Half an Ativan 吞了半顆藥 I'm drivin' straight at a van in a black Sedan, fast as I can 開著輛黑色轎車,用著最快的速度衝向前面的貨車 In Pakistan gettin' chased by a pack of Stans 在巴基斯坦也被一群瘋狂粉絲追殺 You know how I roll, bitch, I'm an avalanche 你知道我的行事方式,婊子,我的到來就像場雪崩 This my shit, I'm gonna spit it how I wanna spit it 這就是我,我想怎麼唱就怎麼唱 Whoever gets offended, suck a dick and fuck a critic 那些被冒犯到的人,都他媽去死一死 'Bout to get retarded on this motherfuckin' shidit 我要像個智障一樣在這首歌亂瘋亂搞 "You can't say retarded,"

[中文歌詞] twenty one pilots - Midwest Indigo 中西部靛藍​

 #twentyonepilots #中文歌詞 #Clancy ※版權歸 twenty one pilots 所有※ ※All rights belong to twenty one pilots※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/mREOvIgImmo .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .Lyrics 歌詞. Reachin' out on my way home 準備踏上回家的路 You can be so cold, I'll try again 一路上荒涼冷冽,但我不會氣餒 You make me sad and second-guess myself 我不禁感到悲傷、質疑自我 You can be so cold 而你為何這般冷漠 Reachin' out on my way home 準備踏上回家的路 You can be so cold, I'll try again 再歷經幾番波折,我都不願折返 You make me sad and second-guess myself 這是趟令人難過且困惑的旅途 You can be so cold, Midwest Indigo 你卻顯得如此無情,中西部靛藍 Running late so I didn't have the time 我來得有些遲了 To scrape the frosted windshield like we're barely scrapin' by 沒有時間除去擋風玻璃上的霜,這趟路顯得有些狼狽 Concentrate on the little gap in the ice 專注於冰霜間僅存的視野 That seems to be about as wide as our chances 可我的信念也沉入那裂縫中而愈趨渺小 Did you pull up yet? 你停下車了嗎? Did you forgеt we're tight on time? 你是否還記得我們正被時間追趕著? Reachin' out on my way home 準備踏上回家的路 You can be so cold,

[中文歌詞] Eminem feat. Big Sean & BabyTron - Tobey

 #Eminem #BigSean #BabyTron  #中文歌詞 #TheDeathofSlimShady ※版權歸 Eminem 所有※ ※All rights belong to Eminem※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/9xn0OHEZZ8Q .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .Lyrics 歌詞. Shit, fuck, shit 幹,他媽的,幹 Boy, ha 老天,哈 Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, but see, me, it was a goat 陶比‧麥奎爾被蜘蛛咬,而我是被山羊咬 If you want space, I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke 叫我離你遠點?那你最好滾去他媽的金星上窒息死去 Even while sleepin', be thinkin' so woke 我就算在醒著的時候,思想也是清醒的 White Cartiers, all I'm seein' is dope 戴上白色卡地亞的眼鏡,看見什麼都是奢華的 My city Leia and I'm Obi-Wan, got a mission to pass, I just might be the hope 我的城市就像莉亞公主而我是歐比王,有使命要完成,我是唯一的希望 Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, but see, me, it was a goat 陶比‧麥奎爾是超級英雄,而我是史上最偉大的人 If you want space, I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke 別跟我談什麼「需要空間獨處」,你真的要的話我可以親手把你送上外太空 Even while sleepin', be thinkin' so woke 我從不懈怠,就連睡眠中我都在思考 White Cartiers, all I'm

[中文歌詞] Dr. Dre feat. Akon & Snoop Dogg - Kush 大麻

 #Dr. Dre #中文歌詞 ※版權歸 Dr. Dre 所有※ ※All rights belong to Dr. Dre※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/BuJDaOVz2qY .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .其他翻譯這首歌的優秀譯者. 煞世太保:https://reurl.cc/5v9ODv .Lyrics 歌詞. Hold up, wait a minute 等等,休息一下 Let me put some kush up in it 讓我先捲根好貨 Hold up, wait a minute 別急,緩一下 Let me put some kush up in it 先來根純的再說 Hold up, wait a minute 等等,休息一下 Let me put some kush up in it 讓我先捲根好貨 Hold up, wait a minute 別急,緩一下 Let me put some kush up in it 先來根純的再說 Now, this that "puff, puff, pass" shit, Cheech and Chong glass shit 又到了「欸,欸,抽一口」的時候,拿出我的 Cheech & Chong 菸斗 Blunts to the head, kush pillows, no mattress 快感直上腦,爽得像躺在世上最柔軟的枕頭,不用床墊也能就地躺下 Speedboat traffic, bitches automatic 每天都開著快艇四處穿梭,馬子都自動貼上來 Cross that line, fuck around and get your ass kicked 但別想隨意越界,你他媽敢在我地盤亂搞就死定了 We roll shit that burn slow as fucking molasses 這貨的品質高到能讓火燒得比糖漿流動的速度還慢 Probably won't pass it, smoke it 'til the last hit 我才不要傳下去,我大概會自己抽完它 Down to the ashes 直接抽到

[中文歌詞] Eminem feat. Polina - Legacy 傳承

#Eminem #中文歌詞 #MMLP2 ※版權歸 Eminem 所有※ ※All rights belong to Eminem※ .原歌曲連結. https://youtu.be/GBIi2vhPgEM .喜歡我的翻譯的話歡迎小額贊助我,我會非常高興!. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FlyingPants .其他翻譯這首歌的優秀譯者. sca PEGoats:https://youtu.be/eRYnqKXh_UA 台灣送夏克立:https://reurl.cc/Rq7q9g .Lyrics 歌詞. Tell me where to go 指引我方向 Tell me what to do 指引我去路 I'll be right there for you 我會在那等候著你 Tell me what to say 告訴我該怎麼做 No matter if it's true 我不在乎是非 I'll say it all for you 我會為了你做任何事 I used to be the type of kid that would always think the sky is fallin' 我過去一直是那種會妄想天空墜落的孩子 Why am I so differently wired? Am I a martian? 我到底為什麼會這麼怪?我是外星人嗎? What kind of twisted experiment am I involved in? 我究竟是參與了什麼病態的實驗? ‘Cause I don't belong in this world 我根本就不屬於這個世界 That's why I'm scoffin' at authority, defiant often 所以我才一直抵抗、挑釁權威 Flyin' off at the handle at my mom 一再從我媽的手中溜走 No dad, so I am noncompliant at home 沒有爸爸,這大概就是我在家如此叛逆的原因 At school I'm just shy and awkward 學校更不是我的容身之處 And I don't need n